SEDA Magazine
In 2013, Jude contributed to the Scottish Ecological Design Association’s (SEDA) Journal ‘Are Cities’ Green’. Her essay entitled ‘Redefining infrastructure’ connects health and wellbeing to place and outlines the key role that green blue infrastructure and eco-systems play within this.
This built on her work with colleagues at Collective Architecture around green-blue infrastructure with organisations such as The Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Natural Heritage and Scottish Canals - and more recently Granton Waterfront for The City of Edinburgh Council with dutch urbanists Studio for New Realities.
In the article Jude notes’ Integrated Green Infrastructure aspires to create joyful and holistic places for the benefit of all. It asks us to take our skills and out interests beyond the red line of particular sites and buildings – to look beyond walls and boundaries towards invisible hydrological cycles, the psychology of space multi-spatial benefits and the movement of birds, animals and insects.’